The Manager shares the Sponsor’s fundamental approach to asset management and has included ESG considerations in its real estate investment management operations. As such, the Manager has established the following sustainability considerations as guidance in respect of its real estate investment and management responsibilities.
Along with the Sustainability Policy, the Manager continues to maintain and improve high standards of green building certifications. In collaboration with Property Manager, the Manager will incorporate the ESG perspectives in both the management of properties and investment decisions, including the conduct of capital expenditure work. For ESG oriented investors, the Manager will take into consideration green financing (debt and bond). As the result of continuous effort through daily operation, the Manager aims to obtain a high ESG rating at the portfolio level (e.g. The Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets) for DHLT in the mid- to long-term. The Manager will consider the economic rationale behind decisions on sustainability investment and/or green financing.
The table below shows the properties that are certified green by the DBJ Green Building Certification Programme, the leading programme in Japan which evaluates and measures the environmental and social awareness characteristics of real estate properties. The DBJ Green Building Certification Programme assesses “green” characteristics of a building based on metrics such as energy & resources, resilience, amenity, community & diversity and partnership. Buildings certified green by the DBJ Green Buildings Certification Programme are deemed to have demonstrated high environmental and social awareness.
Additionally, properties shown in the table below are equipped with solar power generation systems operated by Daiwa Energy. If such opportunities arise in the future, the Manager also intends to further equip the portfolio with solar power and other renewables energy generation capabilities and lease the roof-tops and/or other available spaces to solar power and other renewable energy operators. This will serve to enhance the environmental friendliness of the properties while generating an additional source of income for DHLT through the leasing of roof-tops and/or other available spaces to solar power and other renewable energy operators.
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The value of the Units and the income accruing to the Units, if any, may fall or rise. The Units are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by, Daiwa House Asset Management Asia Pte. Ltd., as manager of DHLT (the “Manager”), HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited (as trustee of DHLT), Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. (as the sponsor of DHLT), or any of their respective affiliates, advisers or representatives. An investment in the Units is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors have no right to request that the Manager redeem or purchase their Units while the Units are listed. It is intended that holders of the Units may only deal in their Units through trading on the SGX-ST. Listing of the Units on the SGX-ST does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units.
This website may contain forward-looking statements that involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties. Actual future performance, outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Predictions, projections or forecasts of the economy or economic trends of the markets are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of DHLT. The forecast financial performance of DHLT is not guaranteed. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are based on the Manager’s current view of future events. This website has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
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